Thought leader books. Real ingredients. Free from A.I. and B.S.
Book Publishing & Distribution. Ghostwriting. Thought Partnership. Executive Branding.
Books with impact.
We have published hundreds of books, worked with thousands of authors, and have launched countless careers. Our award-winning design team, our renowned ghostwriters and editors, and our content marketing strategists help clients build their influence, bottom line, and most importantly, tribe of followers.

A different kind of book.
We work with our authors (and we fight with our editors) to keep the interesting stuff in. Sometimes that means expletives, and other times, it means run-on or one-word sentences. Really.These books are written the way that thought leaders talk, and how readers think. Try them on for size.More like a Coltrane live concert than a Kenny G record. (Make sense?)Our authors are improvisers, and what you read in these pages could not be generated by A.I. These ideas were cured and curated in the minds of thought leaders, over decades of life, and decades in their trade. Then polished and produced by our team of writers and editors (carefully making sure that we don’t polish off too much patina or dirt).

What we have to offer.
Our authors are experts in their fields, and their books are expressions of their brilliance (and their weirdness).
We have worked with thousands of authors to help them publish their books and launch their careers.
We have been ghostwriting for two decades, and our ghostwritten books have been in every major bestseller list.
Our titles are in bookstores and on Amazon, reaching our authors’ target demographics wherever they read.
Get in touch.
If you’re an innovator, an expert in your space or simply someone with something to say, we’d be happy to consider working with you.
(Or if you're with the media, or you just want to chat.)